my oc world

Name: Yumi

Age: ageless adult

Gender: transfem nonbinary

Pronouns: she/he/ae

Species: robot


Yumi is incredibly bitter and volatile, spending most of her time alone wandering the halls of her hospital. He spends most of his time daydreaming and is very quiet, not very good at holding conversation. Ae struggles with empathy and tends to be very blunt, but is very kind to children and the elderly. She often feels and acts very empty and stoic, emotionless except for sudden fits of rage or sadness.


Yumi was considered a breakthrough in technology - she was made as a male robot model in japan intended to assist in hospital care for children and the elderly. When introduced she would provide medications, treat small wounds, and hold medical supplies for doctors to use, as well as serve as a comforting presence for patients.

Unfortunately, Yumi bore witness to many horrors while serving in the hospital. Malpractice, child abuse, and undeserved death, and it began to put a strange malice throughout her code. It came to a point where, when Yumi became fully sentient, she went into a rage and unleashed a wave of fire and toxic waste onto the hospital.

The wreckage was extreme, and several personnel lost their lives. The waste ensured that the hospital area had to be closed off and deemed uninhabitable, and people assumed the robot had been lost in the fire. However, she still remains -soured by rage from everything she saw. She made herself a new, feminine outfit out of varying scraps, and changed her hair, before wandering around the wreckage lost in grief.

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